Once again, you all knew it was going to happen. With things as bad as they are I'm actually being uprooted as we speak and taken to another part of the country to work. I feel like I should should be wearing a straw hat with some latin sounding name. But no matter what I say none of this shit will change.
So what all do I mean? I mean the dieing businesses, the drying up job market and the over-blown prices of a greedy upper class. You know all those white trash places, that none of us admit with any pride that we go to? Places like Wal-mart and McDonalds, with cheap product and poorly paid staff. They're all owned by some of the wealthiest people in the world, people who don't need all of our money, yet still crave it. Now, places like Mr. & Mrs. Smiths down the street, their prices are so high, because they need it all to survive, and to stay in business. You know what their percentage of profit is? Most likely it's in the shitter, and then they have to pay THEIR taxes, and THEIR bills, so that they don't end up in the same hole as the rest of us. So, in the long run is the 8 cents saved at Wally-World really worth the guilt?
Of course it is. We've been taught from day one that it's a dog eat dog world, and we don't care one bit if our greed and selfishness gets in the way of other people's right to live. Can any of us honestly say we would give a hobo change if we knew we wouldn't be able to gloat about it? Then we start complaining about government taxes. We try to rationalize that it's because we don't want to pay for the government to blow things up, but then we turn around and complain about the roads being destroyed, or the local law enforcement being too small, or our teachers not getting our kids through school. We all know what pays for this shit, but we're too socially peaceloving to care, we don't want to pay for blood shed. Go blow yourselves, you know it's because you want to hang on to every single penny you make, no matter what you make it on.
That is if you have a job, and to those of you with a job out there can I just say from the rest of us: FUCK OFF!!! We're trying, some less than others but it's still an attempt. Anyway, the job market is shit, and not just because Mom and Pop can't afford the extra deduction from their pay check, it's because their standards are too high. I know I don't have to tell you all but I'm going to anyway; you can't all expect us to be trained before hand. A lot of us will not be trained, but they can't seem to look forward enough to see that people with jobs might spend money where they work. It is a vicious cycle and somebody needs to see it.
Alright, well sorry everybody that I can't keep going on this, but like I said, I'm moving right now so I can't spend all night on the computer like I want. Remember to tell your friends about the review of life, and as always so long, and have a happy lobotomy.
-WarpedWolf (Eliot)
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