Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rant #7- Sleepy Rant

I believe myself to be neutral in all endeavors

I believe that the war in Iraq ruined all wars.

I personally love blowing shit up

Cops and lawyers are two good ideas, poorly executed

Religion and politics are two bad ideas well executed, much to the dismay of humanity and myself

\Morals and ethics are two things humanity no longer has

any human who says they have morals and ethics is trying to cover his own ass, or is selling something

even the hippies are corrupted with ignorance, and don't pay attention to anything going on in this world.


because they are all trying to keep up with each other

Why stay pure in a society that kills the pure

it's adaptation that's what it is.

we've adapted away all traces of human dignity


because we grew too soon

because we didn't give ourselves room to think

because we enslaved any and all races that opposed us

because we killed those that wouldn't conform\\\

so now what

now we have a bunch of moral less people out there claiming to be sent from god.

no one was sent from god

god was made up to explain things

like why the hell do seeds turn into plants

why does the sun go away at night?

why am I here

I’ll tell you why you're here

you were here to replace the void that was made when raptors died out

instead you became an insane race that took over the world before you could evolve appropriately

lack of morals

and lack of common sense

it's come to the point were you can't do anything because our un-evolved law makers don't trust the average humans common sense

and why should he

under our watch we've destroyed countless civilizations plus countless resources


to make the world a better place

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