Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rant #12: Religion and other things moronic

Ok first of all this isn't really anti-religion but rather anti idiot. Most religions I agree with to the extent of "Be good to others," "Be good to the world." Stuff like that. But when you get to the, "It's blasphemous for men to have long hair," then I start getting ticked off. Not simply because I used to have long hair, but also because JESUS DID! You mean to tell me that even the mesiah can't get into heaven.

First of all I want to tell you all you're doing it wrong. Hell wasn't always a punishment, it was just a place to go that was as far from god as you could get. But then the Islams made a pain filled eternity thus the omnipotent penis measuring contest took place, and we were stuck with The bible, now with blackmail.

On the subject of insanity, have you heard that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was on the banned list? Not only that but African American students are complaining when their teacher makes them read it because it refers to the "N" word. I'm serious, I had to spend an entire quarter of my high school time discussing why it was such a big deal. Now obviously these jackasses don't get the meaning behind the book. Mark Twain wrote it because of the racism he experienced in life, he grew up in the area and knew the way they acted in the time period he wrote about. It was meant to be realistic. But what do these people do? "It could have been just as powerful if he hadn't used the N word." NO IT WOULDN'T! It would have been mindless dribble with plot holes. How would you feel if someone did a period story about life nowadays and they didn't use FUCK? huh?

Sorry to anyone who was offended but dammit it needs to stop, and I think that everyone needs to know.

So long, and have a happy lobotomy.
-Eliot Wolf

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