Saturday, July 5, 2008

Rant# 6: Popular Entertainment

Hello my little chickities. I'm back.... And no one cares. Okay over my break I was thinking to myself [which I do on a regular basis] that this country censors all the wrong stuff. We can all see the soldiers in Iraq with bullet holes in their noticable faces but we can't listen to an uninterupted comedy routine. I can't watch Chris Rock without beeps going off. If I wanted to listen to morse code I would have joined the navy. Then there's music which tells alot about a person these days. First off I'd like to thank the first Rapper who shot his ho, thanks for ruining the genre. I'll admit rap used to be good, MC Hammer [hammer time!] was always good entertainment, and those seizure causing pants of his were very nice. As soon the rap genre became profound and vulgar the ties to rock were cut by both sides... which now that I think of it could have been taken as a form of over kill. hmm. Anyway the rap is dead to me end of discusion.

So I hope this has been enlightening and as I have come to refer to as my send off So long and good luck,

Rock on,

Eliot Wolf

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