Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hecklers: Stop me if you've heard this before...

Jamie Kennedy: Heckler

Okay so going into this I know that I'm just feeding the troll that is what this was based around but really? Why hasn't any one brought this up?

“Hecklers” is the documentary that starts as a bunch of comedians talking about all the fun ways to fuck with a heckler, which I am happy to be a part of. I take it as scrutinizing the scrutinizers in an over the top way that will eventually make them see the error of their ways. Or enhance the hilarity of the bash. But then the movie gets sideswiped by the douche-bag in school, who just wants the attention, into a mud pool, then  goes home, cries to it's webcam about how they don't understand me it, goes into a corner, turns off the lights and proceeds to cut itself while listening to Three Days Grace.

Now if I haven't lost you with my wild accusations of what I believe teen angst is like, I have to tell you that, as an amateur critic, I was both humbled and enraged by this movie. I mean first it lures me in with the idea of hundreds of comedians talking about their brushes with drunk assholes, which I can relate to as flamers and trolls in my own world. That setup really does have everything I like in comedy: smart collab, story time wackiness, improvised insulting, and alcohol. But, I do have to say though that the movie doesn't guilt trip you right off the back. No, it waits until you symbiotically attach yourself to its awesome personality before it beats you over the head with your misdeeds.

Alright, so yes, I am taking this movie personal, but they almost convinced me at being on the same level as assholes who were slapped around recently in their personal, professional or political lives, which I can't stand. I can't stand people making a big deal about their side of the argument without really letting the other side respond. And no, I am not being a hypocrite, so stop it before I make a movie exposing you.

Anyway, like the title says it's hosted and funded and whatever, by Jamie Kennedy who while being a raw comic, is still bitching about his flop "Son of the Mask". He keeps saying people were shitting on it in reviews and in the world, but you know what Kennedy? So what? You were in a sequel to one of Jim Carey's best works, based around a baby and a dog fighting over your love in a fashion that Roger Rabbit and Baby Herman would face palm at (and if you got that reference, yay you get a cookie). Then he started back tracking to Malibu's Most Wanted, and how it's all just like that. Que? On what plain of existence is "Malibu's Most Wanted" anywhere near "Son of the Mask"? I was shocked to hear this comparison, because I actually enjoyed "Most Wanted", in the same way I like "Super Troopers" and "Waiting". They're stupid but really there is a lower hilarity to it that's refreshing to get back to once and awhile. "Son of the Mask" was just a last minute attempt to make money on a franchise before becoming irrelevant. There is no connection. "Most Wanted" has Kennedy's own personal touch to it. "Son of the Mask" is just has a character, that we don't recognize, trying to stand on the characterization of its predecessor.

But after they get past the actual humor, and more into entertainers whining about how much they hate critics, they start comparing us to child abusers. Seriously, there's a woman on it that tells a story about her mother wanting to give her implants in Junior High. The FUCK? I was almost ready turn it off for that wild comparison until she flashed me, then after a quick 10 minute interlude I decided to give the movie another five. That turned out to be a waste, because it was more of the same. Comedians and people, whose entertainment abilities are what most people use to get through the day, complaining about people who didn't like it and how they can just keep their mouth shut.

It was then that I realized. Most of these people are raw comics, or moderately risqué figures. Surely one of them has seen something that someone else has made or worked on, and made a hefty living out of making fun of it. I have to assume this because I have not heard of, or seen all of their collective works, but I believe it's safe to say that most of these people, the truth tellers and higher thinkers of our business and art that is comedy, the people many of us idolize or at least respect, are full of the grossest, stingiest kind of horse shit, ever used as commercial grade fertilizer that covers the once proud garden of the American comedic index.

Anyway, while you look around for my train of thought on this, I want you to know that I do recommend this movie, in the same way I recommend people go see "The Room" or to play the "Family Guy" game. So that you can see what horse shit really looks like, and with that I leave you. So long, and have a happy lobotomy,


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