Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Non-Conservative Review of Gun Control

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Whether you're red, or blue, green or magenta, these words can not be changed. A well regulated militia, as in one owned by a government for its own use, protections, and policies, is something that we preach on a daily basis. We live in one of the most hated countries in the world, and our intimidating militia is the only thing keeping us from being torn to shreds by many of the enemies we, as a country, have made. Our militia is neccesary, and there's no getting around that if our militia suddenly disappeared, our free state would no longer provide us with security.

Now, the right of the people of our nation is something that we have been founded on, and is in mass consensus for anyone living here. We love our freedoms, and even though this blog tries its darndest to bash it, this country is the best that we have. The right of its people gives us room to grow, and mature in our own ways, and lets us not be hindered by those who try to take those freedoms away. Sure, we can't win every argument for rights, but not all fights can be won. But our right, as a species, is to live, survive, and protect ourselves. We will always have a way to do so, but humanity has leaned on technology for so long, it is what we need to fulfill this necessity.

Now to the meat of this rant. All together now, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." As un-editable laws go, that is pretty solid. Our country's soul trait is freedom, and with all great ideas, there will be opposition. But the law says that, at least in our country, no law can be made that could take away our rights to own a gun. This is because no government should be more powerful then the teaming masses, that they try to govern. No matter what laws you put in place, there are going to be people who either straight out, oppose it, or break it all together. But this is not a law, this is a right, and the right to the people of the United states, is that the Government does not have the right to steal our means of protection, and in dire circumstances, our means of liberty.

Now, I understand the statistics and reasoning behind gun control arguments. However, most of those ideas are based around a society that doesn't exist. Take for instance gun control laws stating placing holding times for ammo, as well as time spent between purchasing and owning a gun to begin with. There are many laws that are put into place to keep people from walking around with guns, and some laws still, limiting you from owning a specific kind of gun. Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I know for a fact that to the people that these laws are meant for, the people who kill, steal, rape, beat, imprison, destroy, and cripple are the people who will go into an alley and buy a gun that was made for the military and sold to an arms dealer illegally. It is the same fundamentality as the minds who created Communism. These ideas might work on paper, and may protect the people who obey this kind of thing, but the people that they intended for pass it over as another step to their end game. It's a losing battle to try to take more of our liberties, when the people you're trying to punish break more severe laws then yours before breakfast.

But this is a battle whose main enemy has a crying baby on its flag. The fact of the matter is that many households in the US have guns, but many of them get into the hands of those that we don't want to get ahold of them. Mainly, children. Nobody wants to hear that Timmy was playing with a gun, and then shot his brains out. Or that Cindy was shot in the chest by her best friend when they were playing. Now I have a few unpopular beliefs surrounding this issue...

... but this isn't a conversation about population control. It is sad to hear that children have died, but the fact of the matter is that guns are only a fraction of all of the home related deaths that happen to children each day. Here is just a short list.

-Poisoning (propane)
-Drowning (Bath water)
-Electrocution (Knives+Wiring)
-Suffocation (plastic bags)
-Broken Bones (stairs)
-Burns (stoves)
-Crushed (Bookcases)
-Poisoning (Laundry soaps)
-Poisoning (Cleaning Supplies)
-Beaten to Death (Parents)

You see, any number of things can kill a child. They are actually quite squishy, and so are people. If we take away one thing, simply because its main use is to kill, then we take away knives, forks, stairs, chemicals, glass, wires, hammers, nails, saws, water, metal, wood and countless other things. Hell, I always threaten people with my unabridged copy of The Stand. Anything can be used as a weapon, and using that stance to ban guns is preposterous.

Well, once again, I feel bored of typing, yet I don't feel I've said enough. Hopefully, this isn't so much a repeat of a previous post, but more of a rehashing. I know I'm not always 100% elequent in these things, but hopefully it can help your unbiased mind to make an educated descision, and before I make two Star Wars references in one night, possibly destroying what I have set out to do, I just want to say;

So long, and have a happy lobotomy,
-Eliot "Warped" Wolf

1 comment:

  1. I believe this could be one of the greatest arguments for gun rights, mostly because it's mostly facts at the beginning. I loved writing this thing until natural writers block hit me.
