Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Point of Inquiry: Holy Book Burning Batman!

Sadness prevails my dear devoted readers for the failure just keeps piling up. So I just read that a Baptist church in North Carollina is holding a "Halloween Book Burning," filled with all your crazy pyromaniac whims. There's Pope writings being burnt at 7:00 and Mother Theresa will be burnt at 7:15. Weinny sticks will be passed around and a Nazi inspired face painter will be working from 5-9. Then gather up the kids and watch the bible (non-King James of course) get thrown into the mix.

In fact, the only part of this that is at all rational is the burning of several country music CD's.

The only thing that was worse than that was a man in Oregon who stabbed his ex's pet fish. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

Well So long Readers, and have a happy lobotomy.
-Eliot Wolf